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Film Festivals


Private Screenings & Education

HERD was screened as the finale of the first annual Big Land Film Festival in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada. The film was followed by a great discussion and panel, which included film participants Richard 'Dick' Michelin and Judy Voisey, and film co-producers Ashlee Cunsolo and Jamie Snook. More than 40 people were in attendance!

We collaborated with Canadian Geographic and the Royal Canadian Geographical Society to host an in-person screening at the Canadian Geographic headquarters in Ottawa, Ontario. More than 100 people attended, including several Inuit from Labrador.

A private screening of HERD was shared at the Harvard Chan C-Change Youth Summit on Climate, Equity, and Health in Boston, July 2022. More than 80 students from across North America attended the screening, and several created their own projects based on reflections of the film, such as this student project.
Director David Borish spoke about the HERD project for the Exploring By The Seat Of Your Pants (EBTSOYP) polar educational series in the spring of 2022. Multiple primary school classes across Canada and the US attended.
Director David Borish spoke about the HERD project for the Explorers Club in 2021, including discussing the co-creation process of working alongside Inuit communities to produce a documentary film and research.
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